2024 Plan for Immortality Coin

This revision is from 2023/08/03 06:34. You can Restore it.

The cynical design of Immortality coin was to put research at the top of the pyramid, as the Apex, that the noble ape could reach such vision, let alone maintain it for any period of time. The design was a simple research fund to fund research, the fund would result in products and the profits reinvested in an endless virtuous cycle. However, such a fund offers no security for the investor, and so we plan to end the research fund.

Our new blockchain, the Manhattan Project, proposes an alternative solution, by adding an additional gas fee to each transaction. The miner must donate the gas fee to any approved companies they choose who are working on essential research.

Phasing out the research fund means all tokens are in the public domain.

Immortality coin contract has renounced ownership.


We have been doing this for two years now without scams, frauds or any other malicious behavior.

So how do we plan to put the research fund into the public, resulting in 100% of the tokens into private hands.

  1. Under the program, we will match any purchases of Immortality coin with the same amount air dropped in tokens. For example, buy 100 tokens and the dev team then air drop the same amount to the address.
  1. Faucet, you can get free tokens sent to you using the faucet, the faucet might hold half of the research fund and by performing some Immortality coin promotional tasks, free tokens are given out.

At some stage, the research fund no longer holds any tokens and 100% of the tokens privately owned.

We have not begun working on the faucet or the air drop, but when stay tuned for more and sign up to be part of the program.


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