Physics is bullshit

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Physics as a subject is overrated when compared to the tangible benefit of inventions. Inventiveness is a human quality on its own and does not require the subject of physics. All the luxeries you enjoy today from concrete to cell phones have little to do with the subject of physics, instead it has everything to do with human ingenuity, much to do with the human quality to form new ways of doing the same things.

Spending 500 years desribing something is of little value. Inventors instead are the true revolutionaries which "physicists" are an inposter of. Spend as much time in physics and you'll come away with little to nothing, everytime.

The joke goes. A physicst was hired to help on a prototype in the workshop. The physicts was put to work in a nice office and ready to work on the problem. The boss explaining the problem and asking the physcist to fix the issue, the physcists replies, "you mean now". The boss replies "well, we haven't got 500 years"


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