Caching SearXNG
This revision is from 2024/03/17 09:43. You can Restore it.
SearXNG installs itself on /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src, with the main source code in searxng-src directory.
To hack the results, the file is in /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/
The function in is...
@app.route('/search', methods=[['GET', 'POST']])
def search():
One sqlite3 database. Named: searxng_distributed_cache.db
- stores the search terms
- stores the urls
The database is distributed, the keywords have to go to maintainers where crawling builds/develops the database.
Proposed searXNG options:
- use cache
- update the cache
- disclosure to end user
- turns searXNG into a full search engine built from caching results
- searches are against a local file, so it speeds up searching significantly
- offline searching