This revision is from 2024/06/24 17:14. You can Restore it.
SearXNG installs itself on /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src, with the main source code in searxng-src directory.
Interesting files are... in /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/ : def search() in /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/search/ : class Search
A cache implentation here...
making a directory in the searx folder named cache
make a sub-folder for every possible character in the cache directory, for instance a to z and 0 to 9
the cache files are named by and are indentical to the search term
check if the filename exists when a search is performed
if there is a match read in the local file instead and defer the search
send the keywords to cache maintainers so they can update the cache. They can then crawl the search engines and build a more comprehensive cache over time.
the user updates their cache, by downloading and appending a distributed database.
Benefits: Why do this?
Imagine a man in the middle that knows your search term before you and performs the search prior, and then returns the result instantly when you pressed enter. The result is the same, except it would be very much faster. That is what a cache does, it speeds up the process. It also allows for a more comprehensive search, if I could perform searches across all the search engines, compile, optimize and store that data on disk all the while awaiting the user to search the keyword, when the term was searched again, the result would be not only fast but comprehensive.
Moreover, it could turn searXNG into a full search engine built from caching results, secondly offline searching becomes possible if the cache gets big enough.
Searx is privacy focused search engine, so disclosure to end user that however anonymous, caching requires keywords/search term sharing. That is how the cache is built. Opt out.