Medical A.I. LLM

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The requirements for an LLM in medical are... these are assistance systems rather than automation.

  1. Zero shot diagnosis: the operator uploads a photo to the LLM and the LLM correctly guesses the condition. Moving imaging real time analysis: the LLM can view a video and describe a biological process.
  2. Medical Knowledge Base: An expert system, a operator can converse with the model for all aspects of medicine and get encyclopaedic, highly intelligent and nuanced responses. Accuracy in recalling medical facts, guidelines, and best practices. Up-to-date knowledge of current medical literature and research. Understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology.
  3. Diagnostic Reasoning: The LLM recieves data such as blood test results, performs analysis and advise. Formulation of differential diagnoses, suggestion of appropriate diagnostic tests and procedures, treatment options or drugs. Recommendation of evidence-based treatment options. Understanding of drug interactions and contraindications

Ability to tailor treatment plans to individual patient factors.

  1. Provide a general user medical chat for patients to understand their condition and health.
  2. Emergency response assistance.
  3. Integration with medical machinery.
  4. Designing clinical trials and assistance in clinical trials.
  5. Understanding regulartory bodies and avoiding friction.

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