SearXNG Changes

This revision is from 2024/08/12 09:53. You can Restore it.

Add HTML5 tag required

/searx/templates/search.html and /searx/templates/simple_search.html


<input id="q" name="q" type="text" placeholder="{{ _('Search for...') }}" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="none" spellcheck="false" autocorrect="off" dir="auto" value="{{ q or '' }}" required>

Adding the required tag will also add a input box hover tooltip. In google, pushing the search button with no query gives trending topics.

Disable search button while no query or input box is empty




.category_button:disabled {

pointer-events: none;

opacity: 0.5; /* Optionally, to visually indicate the disabled state */





document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

const searchInput = document.getElementById('q');

const searchButton = document.getElementById('send_search');

const clearButton = document.getElementById('clear_search');

const form = document.getElementById('search');

const categoryButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.category_button');

// Function to toggle the search button state

function toggleSearchButton() {

const isInputEmpty = searchInput.value.trim() === '';

searchButton.disabled = isInputEmpty;



// Function to toggle the state of all category buttons

function toggleCategoryButtons(isDisabled) {

categoryButtons.forEach(button => {

button.disabled = isDisabled;



// Add input event listener to toggle the search and category buttons

searchInput.addEventListener('input', toggleSearchButton);

// Add click event listener to the clear button

clearButton.addEventListener('click', function() {

// Clear the input

searchInput.value = '';

// Disable the search and category buttons



// Add reset event listener to the form

form.addEventListener('reset', function() {

// Delay to allow the reset to complete

setTimeout(toggleSearchButton, 0);


// Initial check in case there's a pre-filled value




Bug Fix (x does not appear when using mouse only)


function a(t){

var e=document.getElementById("clear_search");

var n=function(){














t.addEventListener("keyup",n,false); // Replace this line

t.addEventListener("input",n,false); // with this line to handle paste events


Trim left and right whitespace from queries


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {

const searchForm = document.getElementById('search');

const searchInput = document.getElementById('q');

searchForm.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {

const trimmedValue = searchInput.value.trim();

searchInput.value = trimmedValue;




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