US Real Estate Property

This revision is from 2024/09/03 04:16. You can Restore it.

  1. Outstanding back taxes.
  2. Outstanding sewage bills.
  3. Outstanding liens on the property.
  4. Mortgages that go with the sale. Short sales and REO's. Former owners who refuse to vacate.
  5. Deed transfers, ususally have unpaid back taxes and other issues that cannot be resolved.
  6. City won't give certificate of occupancy because you did not kiss their ring or bow down to them and beg. You told the woman to get off the property and now she has a vendetta against you and won't sign certificate of occupancy.
  7. Severe unseen damages such as water and sewage pipes, structure that require extensive and costly repairs.
  8. Strange clauses that deny ownership such as housing organizations, co-ops, condo-boards. Building laws that that do not allow renting, owning pets and much more.
  9. HOA Nightmares: After purchase, buyers may find that they are subject to harsh or unreasonable Homeowners Association rules and expensive fees that were not made clear upfront.
  10. Is the property vacant, now and after sale, if the property is not vacant are the inhabitants paying rent and copy of the rental contract.

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