Caching SearXNG Version 2
- v1: text-match, simple caching system by file exists could not take into account all the characters.
- v2: hash-match, hash the query and cache file so all characters, languages, symbols are handled.
- v3: populuate the extra json values such as infoboxes, number of results.
- in /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/ : def search()
- in /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/search/ : class Search
- in /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/search/ : class ResultsContainer
Step 1: Create the cache, 00 ~ FF hex values
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/cache
for i in {0..255}; do sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/cache/$(printf "%02x" $i); done
sudo chown -R searxng:searxng /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/cache
sudo chmod -R 755 /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/cache
Step 2: Install the cache, edit the files.
@app.route('/search', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def search():
"""Search query in q and return results.
Supported outputs: html, json, csv, rss.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# output_format
output_format = request.form.get('format', 'html')
if output_format not in OUTPUT_FORMATS:
output_format = 'html'
if output_format not in settings['search']['formats']:
# check if there is query (not None and not an empty string)
if not request.form.get('q'):
if output_format == 'html':
return render(
# fmt: off
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
# fmt: on
return index_error(output_format, 'No query'), 400
# search
search_query = None
raw_text_query = None
result_container = None
search_query, raw_text_query, _, _, selected_locale = get_search_query_from_webapp(
request.preferences, request.form
search = SearchWithPlugins(search_query, request.user_plugins, request) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
result_container =
→fname = request.form['q'] + str(search_query.pageno) + str(search_query.categories[0])
# Generate a hash of the search term
hash_object = hashlib.md5(fname.encode())
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
subdirectory = hex_dig[:2] # Use the first 2 characters of the hash as the subdirectory name
cache_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("cache", subdirectory))
if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
file_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, hex_dig) # Use the hash as the filename
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
responsex = webutils.get_json_response(search_query, result_container)
if len(responsex.strip()) > 1000: # Checking length greater than 2 to ensure it's not just '{}'
with open(file_path, "w") as text_file:
text_file.write(responsex) # json.dump(responsex, text_file)
→except SearxParameterException as e:
logger.exception('search error: SearxParameterException')
return index_error(output_format, e.message), 400
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
logger.exception(e, exc_info=True)
return index_error(output_format, gettext('search error')), 500
# 1. check if the result is a redirect for an external bang
if result_container.redirect_url:
return redirect(result_container.redirect_url)
# 2. add Server-Timing header for measuring performance characteristics of
# web applications
request.timings = result_container.get_timings() # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
# 3. formats without a template
if output_format == 'json':
response = webutils.get_json_response(search_query, result_container)
return Response(response, mimetype='application/json')
if output_format == 'csv':
csv = webutils.CSVWriter(StringIO())
webutils.write_csv_response(csv, result_container)
response = Response(, mimetype='application/csv')
cont_disp = 'attachment;Filename=searx_-_{0}.csv'.format(search_query.query)
response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', cont_disp)
return response
# 4. formats rendered by a template / RSS & HTML
current_template = None
previous_result = None
results = result_container.get_ordered_results()
if search_query.redirect_to_first_result and results:
return redirect(results[0]['url'], 302)
for result in results:
if output_format == 'html':
if 'content' in result and result['content']:
result['content'] = highlight_content(escape(result['content'][:1024]), search_query.query)
if 'title' in result and result['title']:
result['title'] = highlight_content(escape(result['title'] or ''), search_query.query)
if 'url' in result:
result['pretty_url'] = webutils.prettify_url(result['url'])
if result.get('publishedDate'): # do not try to get a date from an empty string or a None type
try: # test if publishedDate >= 1900 (datetime module bug)
result['pubdate'] = result['publishedDate'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')
except ValueError:
result['publishedDate'] = None
result['publishedDate'] = webutils.searxng_l10n_timespan(result['publishedDate'])
# set result['open_group'] = True when the template changes from the previous result
# set result['close_group'] = True when the template changes on the next result
if current_template != result.get('template'):
result['open_group'] = True
if previous_result:
previous_result['close_group'] = True # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation
current_template = result.get('template')
previous_result = result
if previous_result:
previous_result['close_group'] = True
# 4.a RSS
if output_format == 'rss':
response_rss = render(
return Response(response_rss, mimetype='text/xml')
# 4.b HTML
# suggestions: use RawTextQuery to get the suggestion URLs with the same bang
suggestion_urls = list(
lambda suggestion: {'url': raw_text_query.changeQuery(suggestion).getFullQuery(), 'title': suggestion},
correction_urls = list(
lambda correction: {'url': raw_text_query.changeQuery(correction).getFullQuery(), 'title': correction},
# search_query.lang contains the user choice (all, auto, en, ...)
# when the user choice is "auto", search.search_query.lang contains the detected language
# otherwise it is equals to search_query.lang
return render(
# fmt: off
results = results,
selected_categories = search_query.categories,
pageno = search_query.pageno,
time_range = search_query.time_range or '',
number_of_results = format_decimal(result_container.number_of_results),
suggestions = suggestion_urls,
answers = result_container.answers,
corrections = correction_urls,
infoboxes = result_container.infoboxes,
engine_data = result_container.engine_data,
paging = result_container.paging,
unresponsive_engines = webutils.get_translated_errors(
current_locale = request.preferences.get_value("locale"),
current_language = selected_locale,
search_language = match_locale(
timeout_limit = request.form.get('timeout_limit', None)
# fmt: on
def search_multiple_requests2(self, requests, hashed_filename):
search_id = str(uuid4())
mock_result_container = ResultContainer()
cache_dir = 'cache'
fname = self.search_query.query + str(self.search_query.pageno) + str(self.search_query.categories[0])
hash_object = hashlib.md5(fname.encode())
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
subdirectory = hex_dig[:2]
query_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, subdirectory)
mock_data_filename = os.path.join(query_dir, hashed_filename)
with open(mock_data_filename, encoding='utf-8') as mock_data_file:
mock_data = json.load(mock_data_file)
mock_results = mock_data['results']
mock_infoboxes = mock_data.get('infoboxes', [])
mock_suggestions = mock_data.get('suggestions', [])
mock_answers = mock_data.get('answers', [])
mock_number_of_results = mock_data.get('number_of_results', 0)
# Process results for each engine
for engine_name, _, _ in requests:
self.mock_search_function(engine_name, mock_results, mock_result_container)
mock_result_container.suggestions = mock_suggestions
mock_result_container.answers = {answer: {'answer': answer} for answer in mock_answers}
mock_result_container.number_of_results = mock_number_of_results
self.result_container = mock_result_container
def mock_search_function(self, engine_name, mock_results, result_container):
engine_results = []
for result in mock_results:
if engine_name in result.get('engines', []):
result_copy = result.copy()
result_copy['engine'] = engine_name
if 'publishedDate' in result_copy and isinstance(result_copy['publishedDate'], str):
result_copy['publishedDate'] = datetime.fromisoformat(result_copy['publishedDate'])
result_container.extend(engine_name, engine_results)
def search_standard(self):
requests, self.actual_timeout = self._get_requests()
cache_dir = 'cache'
fname = self.search_query.query + str(self.search_query.pageno) + str(self.search_query.categories[0])
hash_object = hashlib.md5(fname.encode())
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
subdirectory = hex_dig[:2]
hashed_filename = hex_dig # Use the full hash as the filename
query_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, subdirectory)
mock_data_filename = os.path.join(query_dir, hashed_filename)
if requests:
if os.path.isfile(mock_data_filename):
self.search_multiple_requests2(requests, hashed_filename)
return True
# do search-request
def search(self) -> ResultContainer:
self.start_time = default_timer()
if not self.search_external_bang():
if not self.search_answerers():
return self.result_container
class ResultContainer:
"""docstring for ResultContainer"""
__slots__ = (
class ResultContainer:
def extend(self, engine_name, results):
if engine_name not in self.results:
self.results[engine_name] = []
def __init__(self):
self._merged_results = []
self.infoboxes = []
self.suggestions = set()
self.answers = {}
self.corrections = set()
self._number_of_results = []
self.engine_data = defaultdict(dict)
self._closed = False
self.paging = False
self.unresponsive_engines: Set[UnresponsiveEngine] = set()
self.timings: List[Timing] = []
self.redirect_url = None
self.on_result = lambda _: True
self._lock = RLock()
def extend(self, engine_name, results): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
if self._closed:
standard_result_count = 0
error_msgs = set()
for result in list(results):
result['engine'] = engine_name
if 'suggestion' in result and self.on_result(result):
elif 'answer' in result and self.on_result(result):
self.answers[result['answer']] = result
elif 'correction' in result and self.on_result(result):
elif 'infobox' in result and self.on_result(result):
elif 'number_of_results' in result and self.on_result(result):
elif 'engine_data' in result and self.on_result(result):
self.engine_data[engine_name][result['key']] = result['engine_data']
elif 'url' in result:
# standard result (url, title, content)
if not self._is_valid_url_result(result, error_msgs):
# normalize the result
# call on_result call
# which calls the plugins
if not self.on_result(result):
self.__merge_url_result(result, standard_result_count + 1)
standard_result_count += 1
elif self.on_result(result):
self.__merge_result_no_url(result, standard_result_count + 1)
standard_result_count += 1
if len(error_msgs) > 0:
for msg in error_msgs:
count_error(engine_name, 'some results are invalids: ' + msg, secondary=True)
if engine_name in engines:
histogram_observe(standard_result_count, 'engine', engine_name, 'result', 'count')
if not self.paging and engine_name in engines and engines[engine_name].paging:
self.paging = True
def _merge_infobox(self, infobox):
add_infobox = True
infobox_id = infobox.get('id', None)
infobox['engines'] = set([infobox['engine']])
if infobox_id is not None:
parsed_url_infobox_id = urlparse(infobox_id)
with self._lock:
for existingIndex in self.infoboxes:
if compare_urls(urlparse(existingIndex.get('id', '')), parsed_url_infobox_id):
merge_two_infoboxes(existingIndex, infobox)
add_infobox = False
if add_infobox:
def _is_valid_url_result(self, result, error_msgs):
if 'url' in result:
if not isinstance(result['url'], str):
logger.debug('result: invalid URL: %s', str(result))
error_msgs.add('invalid URL')
return False
if 'title' in result and not isinstance(result['title'], str):
logger.debug('result: invalid title: %s', str(result))
error_msgs.add('invalid title')
return False
if 'content' in result:
if not isinstance(result['content'], str):
logger.debug('result: invalid content: %s', str(result))
error_msgs.add('invalid content')
return False
return True
def _normalize_url_result(self, result):
"""Return True if the result is valid"""
result['parsed_url'] = urlparse(result['url'])
# if the result has no scheme, use http as default
if not result['parsed_url'].scheme:
result['parsed_url'] = result['parsed_url']._replace(scheme="http")
result['url'] = result['parsed_url'].geturl()
# avoid duplicate content between the content and title fields
if result.get('content') == result.get('title'):
del result['content']
# make sure there is a template
if 'template' not in result:
result['template'] = 'default.html'
# strip multiple spaces and carriage returns from content
if result.get('content'):
result['content'] = WHITESPACE_REGEX.sub(' ', result['content'])
def __merge_url_result(self, result, position):
result['engines'] = set([result['engine']])
with self._lock:
duplicated = self.__find_duplicated_http_result(result)
if duplicated:
self.__merge_duplicated_http_result(duplicated, result, position)
# if there is no duplicate found, append result
result['positions'] = [position]
def __find_duplicated_http_result(self, result):
result_template = result.get('template')
for merged_result in self._merged_results:
if 'parsed_url' not in merged_result:
if compare_urls(result['parsed_url'], merged_result['parsed_url']) and result_template == merged_result.get(
if result_template != 'images.html':
# not an image, same template, same url : it's a duplicate
return merged_result
# it's an image
# it's a duplicate if the parsed_url, template and img_src are different
if result.get('img_src', ) == merged_result.get('img_src', ):
return merged_result
return None
def __merge_duplicated_http_result(self, duplicated, result, position):
# using content with more text
if result_content_len(result.get('content', )) > result_content_len(duplicated.get('content', )):
duplicated['content'] = result['content']
# merge all result's parameters not found in duplicate
for key in result.keys():
if not duplicated.get(key):
duplicated[key] = result.get(key)
# add the new position
# add engine to list of result-engines
# using https if possible
if duplicated['parsed_url'].scheme != 'https' and result['parsed_url'].scheme == 'https':
duplicated['url'] = result['parsed_url'].geturl()
duplicated['parsed_url'] = result['parsed_url']
def __merge_result_no_url(self, result, position):
result['engines'] = set([result['engine']])
result['positions'] = [position]
with self._lock:
def close(self):
self._closed = True
for result in self._merged_results:
result['score'] = result_score(result, result.get('priority'))
# removing html content and whitespace duplications
if result.get('content'):
result['content'] = utils.html_to_text(result['content']).strip()
if result.get('title'):
result['title'] = ' '.join(utils.html_to_text(result['title']).strip().split())
for result_engine in result['engines']:
counter_add(result['score'], 'engine', result_engine, 'score')
results = sorted(self._merged_results, key=itemgetter('score'), reverse=True)
# pass 2 : group results by category and template
gresults = []
categoryPositions = {}
for res in results:
# do we need to handle more than one category per engine?
engine = engines[res['engine']]
res['category'] = engine.categories[0] if len(engine.categories) > 0 else ''
# do we need to handle more than one category per engine?
category = (
+ ':'
+ res.get('template', '')
+ ':'
+ ('img_src' if 'img_src' in res or 'thumbnail' in res else '')
current = None if category not in categoryPositions else categoryPositions[category]
# group with previous results using the same category
# if the group can accept more result and is not too far
# from the current position
if current is not None and (current['count'] > 0) and (len(gresults) - current['index'] < 20):
# group with the previous results using
# the same category with this one
index = current['index']
gresults.insert(index, res)
# update every index after the current one
# (including the current one)
for k in categoryPositions: # pylint: disable=consider-using-dict-items
v = categoryPositions[k]['index']
if v >= index:
categoryPositions[k]['index'] = v + 1
# update this category
current['count'] -= 1
# same category
# update categoryIndex
categoryPositions[category] = {'index': len(gresults), 'count': 8}
# update _merged_results
self._merged_results = gresults
def get_ordered_results(self):
if not self._closed:
return self._merged_results
def results_length(self):
return len(self._merged_results)
def number_of_results(self) -> int:
"""Returns the average of results number, returns zero if the average
result number is smaller than the actual result count."""
with self._lock:
if not self._closed:
logger.error("call to ResultContainer.number_of_results before ResultContainer.close")
return 0
resultnum_sum = sum(self._number_of_results)
if not resultnum_sum or not self._number_of_results:
return 0
average = int(resultnum_sum / len(self._number_of_results))
if average < self.results_length():
average = 0
return average
def number_of_results(self, value):
with self._lock:
def add_unresponsive_engine(self, engine_name: str, error_type: str, suspended: bool = False):
with self._lock:
if self._closed:
logger.error("call to ResultContainer.add_unresponsive_engine after ResultContainer.close")
if engines[engine_name].display_error_messages:
self.unresponsive_engines.add(UnresponsiveEngine(engine_name, error_type, suspended))
def add_timing(self, engine_name: str, engine_time: float, page_load_time: float):
with self._lock:
if self._closed:
logger.error("call to ResultContainer.add_timing after ResultContainer.close")
self.timings.append(Timing(engine_name, total=engine_time, load=page_load_time))
def get_timings(self):
with self._lock:
if not self._closed:
logger.error("call to ResultContainer.get_timings before ResultContainer.close")
return []
return self.timings
Page ends here.
Appendix 1: old Version 2
import hashlib
import os
fname = request.form['q'] + str(search_query.pageno) + str(search_query.categories[0])
# Generate a hash of the search term
hash_object = hashlib.md5(fname.encode())
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
subdirectory = hex_dig[:2] # Use the first 2 characters of the hash as the subdirectory name
cache_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("cache", subdirectory))
if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
file_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, hex_dig) # Use the hash as the filename
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
responsex = webutils.get_json_response(search_query, result_container)
if len(responsex.strip()) > 1000: # Checking length greater than 2 to ensure it's not just '{}'
with open(file_path, "w") as text_file:
text_file.write(responsex) # json.dump(responsex, text_file)
import hashlib
import os
def search_standard(self):
requests, self.actual_timeout = self._get_requests()
cache_dir = 'cache'
fname = self.search_query.query.lower() + str(self.search_query.pageno) + str(self.search_query.categories[0])
hash_object = hashlib.md5(fname.encode())
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
subdirectory = hex_dig[:2]
hashed_filename = hex_dig # Use the full hash as the filename
query_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, subdirectory)
mock_data_filename = os.path.join(query_dir, hashed_filename)
if requests:
if os.path.isfile(mock_data_filename):
self.search_multiple_requests2(requests, hashed_filename)
return True
def search_multiple_requests2(self, requests, hashed_filename):
search_id = str(uuid4())
mock_result_container = ResultContainer()
cache_dir = 'cache'
fname = self.search_query.query.lower() + str(self.search_query.pageno) + str(self.search_query.categories[0])
hash_object = hashlib.md5(fname.encode())
hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()
subdirectory = hex_dig[:2]
query_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, subdirectory)
mock_data_filename = os.path.join(query_dir, hashed_filename)
with open(mock_data_filename, encoding='utf-8') as mock_data_file:
mock_data = json.load(mock_data_file)
mock_results = mock_data['results']
threads = []
for engine_name, _, _ in requests:
th = threading.Thread(
args=(engine_name, mock_results, mock_result_container),
th._timeout = False
th._engine_name = engine_name
remaining_time = None
for th in threads:
if == search_id:
if remaining_time is None:
remaining_time = self.actual_timeout - (default_timer() - self.start_time)
if th.is_alive():
th._timeout = True
self.result_container.add_unresponsive_engine(th._engine_name, 'timeout')
PROCESSORS[th._engine_name].logger.error('engine timeout')
for th in threads:
self.result_container = mock_result_container
def mock_search_function(self, engine_name, mock_results, result_container):
for result in mock_results:
if 'publishedDate' in result:
if isinstance(result['publishedDate'], str):
result['publishedDate'] = datetime.fromisoformat(result['publishedDate'])
result_container.extend(engine_name, mock_results)
Appendix 2: version 1
SearXNG installs itself on /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src, with the main source code in searxng-src directory.
Interesting files are...
- in /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/ : def search()
- in /usr/local/searxng/searxng-src/searx/search/ : class Search
A cache implentation here...
- making a directory in the searx folder named cache
- make a sub-folder for every possible character in the cache directory, for instance a to z and 0 to 9
- the cache files are named by and are indentical to the search term
- check if the filename exists when a search is performed
- if there is a match read in the local file instead and defer the search
- send the keywords to cache maintainers so they can update the cache. They can then crawl the search engines and build a more comprehensive cache over time.
- the user updates their cache, by downloading and appending a distributed database.