What is Vegan?

One of the earliest known vegans was the Arab poet al-Maʿarri (c. 973 – c. 1057). His arguments were based on health and animal welfare. Espoused by Porphyry in De Abstinentia ab Esu Animalium.

Dr. William Lambe — a vegan in the 1800s, states... My reason for objecting to every species of matter to be used as food, except the direct produce of the earth – as maybe seen in my last publication – is founded on the broad ground that no other matter is suited to the organs of man. This applies then with the same force to eggs, milk, cheese, and fish, as to flesh meat.

In 1806, at the age of 41, Dr. William Lambe adopted an exclusively plant-based diet as a result of health problems. At the time, it was common for people following a “vegetable diet” to consume dairy products, Dr. Lambe rejected these products as well, making him one of the first “vegans” as far as we know. Dr. Lambe wrote of the health impacts of his own vegan diet as well as that of others in a few case studies.

Vegan is based on health and animals rights. The animals rights portion were religious virtues in Buddhism and Pythagoreans as far back as 500BC.

Vegans eat non-animal products and the diet is a health based diet. That is, health knowledge guides the practice of being vegan.

Vegans should take joy in natural foods, medicinal food knowledge and accepting the taste of ground based food as they are. Historically, vegans only ate garden grown food. Foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seed.

Vegans are nature lovers, hippies, and they do not consider sugary foods or processed foods, lollipops and chocolate bars as vegan. If you cannot pick it off a tree or plant it in the ground, then its probably commercial confectionary.

Vegans lack Vitamin B12, and this is either remedied by a supplement or an occasional kefir or yogurt. Vegans are known to ferment foods and some keep diary based kefir for the Vitamin B12 supplementation.

Vegans use canning and jarring to preserve and store vegetables for months to years.

Real vegans do not try and imitate non-vegan foods. Such as non-diary milk or vegan burgers. These are an attempt to relate to vegans without making the cultural shift away from the SAD, standard American diet which is a disease causing diet.

Vegans eat beans, lentils, peanuts, salads, berries, medicinal herbs and vegetables like garlic and low sugar fruits.

Raw vegans do not cook their food. Cooking food is chemistry and undefined chemistry. Raw vegans may lightly heat their food, such as with beans.

You can still be vegan if you eat meat and diary occasionally, and you can still be raw vegan if you heat some foods.

Vegans lack protein and they do not care. Rice, legumes, tofu are complete protein.

As vegan becomes more mainstream, it is used as a marketing term. Any term can be co-opted in this way. While those so-called foods are non-animal based, they are generally not considered vegan because it breaks the health science of being vegan. As a general rule, if you can plant it or pick it and eat it, then it's probably vegan. If you can change the name of the plant, vegetable or fruit, then it's suspect. Blueberry Vegan Pie is probably just a sugar bomb. Capitalists and retards degrade the concept and toxify the result. This is a new threat to veganism, and vegans protest even large scale agriculture for its GMO and pesticide use. As vegan becomes a marketing positive term, you may find it on packaging and processed foods. These are not vegan, embrace the true culture.

Vegan diet is wholefood, vegetables, plants and fruits. Paying particular attention to health studies as modified fruit may be so high in sugar making them no longer healthy. Such as bananas which are increasingly being chosen for their sweetness rather than their nutritional content, with repeated generation they are becoming a sugar bomb. These sugar bombs aid in sales, but they destructive to health.

Vegans care about the quality of their food, they do not like pesticides or genetically engineered GMO.

Vegans research health news to hone in and advance veganism, such as fasting or glycemic index.

Vegan is a hard diet to get right and requires technical health knowledge and ability to meet nutritional needs. This difficulty makes a vegan smarter and more knowledgeable about health and nutrition, but it also makes people that cannot meet the challenge to potentially fall into malnutrition, and for these people a daily multi-vitamin may to be a temporary aid while they perfect their diet.

Vegans do not harm animals for their diet. They break with old religion, when ancient peoples rejected religion they became vegan and moved to the seaside. Breaking with established religious ideas and going vegan means that diet is chemistry, and there is no shortage of chemicals in the universe. Today's farming practices of raising animals just to eat them are a humor at the retarded.

Vegans have the prospect of pesticide free vertical farming.

Vegans do not care for yummy food or being enticed to eat through flavors or other means. Vegans do not like craving food or thinking about food. Once they leave the plate, there should be no calling. A calling usually means they ate refined-sugar and spiked their blood sugar, of which they ideally would fast it away to maintain a better baseline of their relationship with food. Food should not be a drug, refined sugar acts like a drug.

People become vegan for two reasons, for health or to liberate animals.

The majority of health benefits that come from vegan may be the result of eating just enough of a food that is well suited to the human digestive system and not from magic medicinal food. Beware of repackaging fasting benefits and eating just enough of a nutritional complete diet and no more into special diets with special names and conferring benefits to magic food.

Some health additional that vegans should understand are insulin resistance, OMAD or eating windows, fasting, trans, saturated and unsaturated fats as well as avoiding all causes with diet.

The China Project, a decade-long study of dietary practices in rural China by Thomas Colin Campbell, giving evidence that a diet low in animal protein and fat, and high in plant foods, could reduce the incidence of several diseases. In 2005, Campbell and his son published The China Study, a best-selling book emphasizing the potential health benefits of a plant-based diet. Campbell also used the plant-based concept to educate consumers about how eating meat had significant environmental consequences.

The Blue Zones, an epidemiological study of the longest living people by Dan Buettner suggested a diet predominantly vegan is one factor to their long lifespans.

Vegans also care about the Earth in relation to climate change, pollution and wildlife animal health and welfare.

Vegans are nice people.


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